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A Magical Fat Cutter Tea Lose 4-5 Kg Weight in 1 Month !!!

A Magical Fat Cutter Tea/ Lose 4-5 Kg Weight in 1 Month
This is very important video for burning fat with easy method. This very special fat cutter tea can reduce 4-5 kg weight within one month.
Here we use 5 ingredients to make the magical fat cutter tea.
-          1 inch ginger.
-          10-12 mint leaves.
-          1 TBSP cinnamon powder.
-          1 TBSP green tea.
-          1 liter water.

Boil 1 liter water and put ginger slice in it, add mint leaves in it and then add cinnamon powder in it and boil for 10 minutes. Finally add green tea and then the magical fat cutter tea is ready to drink.

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