Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis In Fingers
For a long time i am looking for home remedies for rheumatoid arthritis pain relief in finger because my mom is suffering with rheumatoid arthritis pain and swelling. She suffers a lot and takes lots of painkiller but it can’t relief pain. On the other hand my mother affected with many other diseases because of taking lots of pain killers. So when I realize my mom health condition is going to bad I am looking natural treatment for rheumatoid arthritis pain and swelling. My mom take different type of natural treatment to relief from rheumatoid arthritis pain and gets success in some cases.
Today I am going to share some home remedies for rheumatoid arthritis in fingers and others parts of human body. I think this kind of information can very helpful to those people who are suffering with rheumatoid arthritis.
What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease; it causes inflammation in the joints of the body such as joints of the hand, elbows, shoulders, knees. Bones provide support for the body and aid in movement. The Place of two or more bones meat called the joint. Joint may be immoveable joint, slightly moveable joint, and freely moveable. Joints give the body flexibility, precision of movement and supports weight.
Arthritis is any disorder that affects joint, it causes pain and inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis is most common types of arthritis that may affected in wrist, knees, hands, ankles, and foot. It typically occurs on the same joins of both side of the body. It can also affect other organs of the body such as eyes, skin, heart, lung, kidneys, nervous system, and digestive track.
How Occurring Rheumatoid Arthritis:
There is no cure of rheumatoid arthritis. However doctors are commonly prescribe various combination of the following medication that can reduce inflammation, pain and slow down joint damage.
· Steroids
· Standard DMARDs
· Biologic DMARDs
Doctor also refers therapy treatment for rheumatoid arthritis affected people.
· Physical Therapy.
· Occupational Therapy.
· Low-impact exercise.
6 Natural Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Sometimes natural treatments work much better than medicine with no side effect. These natural home remedies can helps to reduce joint pain and inflammation. Now we know about six natural treatments of rheumatoid arthritis.
1. Turmeric:
Turmeric is anti-inflammatory. It is a yellow color spice that provides a compound called curcumin that helps to reduce pain and inflammation. In addition it lowest the level of two enzyme which are responsible for causing inflammation and pain. If anyone take one glass of milk with one teaspoon of turmeric powder it can helps to reduce joint pain. Turmeric powder can also use as a spice that can helps to reduce joint pain. Take turmeric mixed with warm milk before bad time can control over pain.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is rich in calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Phosphorous which are essential to relive joint pain. So take a glass of warm water and add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in it. Mix well it with water and drink it in the morning to eliminate toxins build up in the joints and connective tissues.
3. Ginger:
Ginger can increase blood flow and also act as anti-inflammatory eliminating inflammatory chemicals away from painful joints. However consuming ginger regularly helps a lot to cure arthritis. Take half teaspoon of ginger powder or six tea spoon of raw ginger once a day can helps to control joint pain and inflammation.
4. Green Tea:
Green tea provides a chemical compound called quercetin, which is very powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant to prevent or lighten the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
According to a research it found that women who drink at least 3 or more cup of green tea in a day are less develop rheumatoid arthritis rather than women who don’t drink green tea. So drinking green tea regularly can help to reduce joint pain and inflammation
5. Cinnamon:
Cinnamon also helps give relief from arthritis and joint pain. Take two cup of warm water with half teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of honey and drink it in empty stomach regularly that can helps to slow down joint pain and inflammation significantly.
6. Cloves:
Which Foods Should Avoid For Rheumatoid Arthritis:
The saddest part is that there is no cure of rheumatoid arthritis but the medication can helps to reduce the disease’s progress and at that time foods that should be avoided to keep rheumatoid arthritis away.
1. Fried foods:
3. Sugar:
Eating too much amount of sugar can cause of inflammation. Sugar produces chemical named cytokine which can worsen the rheumatoid arthritis.
4. Gluten:
5. Red Meat:
Today I am going to share some home remedies for rheumatoid arthritis in fingers and others parts of human body. I think this kind of information can very helpful to those people who are suffering with rheumatoid arthritis.
What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
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Home remedies for rheumatoid arthritis in fingers-infohealth24hour
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease; it causes inflammation in the joints of the body such as joints of the hand, elbows, shoulders, knees. Bones provide support for the body and aid in movement. The Place of two or more bones meat called the joint. Joint may be immoveable joint, slightly moveable joint, and freely moveable. Joints give the body flexibility, precision of movement and supports weight.
Arthritis is any disorder that affects joint, it causes pain and inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis is most common types of arthritis that may affected in wrist, knees, hands, ankles, and foot. It typically occurs on the same joins of both side of the body. It can also affect other organs of the body such as eyes, skin, heart, lung, kidneys, nervous system, and digestive track.
How Occurring Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disorder this mean the body attack itself by mistake. In rheumatoid arthritis the immune system attacks joint and organ tissues. Here is what happened, the white blood cells of the immune system move into the joint they release chemical called cytokines which attacks the cell of the synovial membrane.
There is no cure of rheumatoid arthritis. However doctors are commonly prescribe various combination of the following medication that can reduce inflammation, pain and slow down joint damage.
· Steroids
· Standard DMARDs
· Biologic DMARDs
Doctor also refers therapy treatment for rheumatoid arthritis affected people.
· Physical Therapy.
· Occupational Therapy.
· Low-impact exercise.
Sometimes natural treatments work much better than medicine with no side effect. These natural home remedies can helps to reduce joint pain and inflammation. Now we know about six natural treatments of rheumatoid arthritis.
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Home remedies for rheumatoid arthritis in fingers-infohealth24hour |
1. Turmeric:
Turmeric is anti-inflammatory. It is a yellow color spice that provides a compound called curcumin that helps to reduce pain and inflammation. In addition it lowest the level of two enzyme which are responsible for causing inflammation and pain. If anyone take one glass of milk with one teaspoon of turmeric powder it can helps to reduce joint pain. Turmeric powder can also use as a spice that can helps to reduce joint pain. Take turmeric mixed with warm milk before bad time can control over pain.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is rich in calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Phosphorous which are essential to relive joint pain. So take a glass of warm water and add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in it. Mix well it with water and drink it in the morning to eliminate toxins build up in the joints and connective tissues.
3. Ginger:
Ginger can increase blood flow and also act as anti-inflammatory eliminating inflammatory chemicals away from painful joints. However consuming ginger regularly helps a lot to cure arthritis. Take half teaspoon of ginger powder or six tea spoon of raw ginger once a day can helps to control joint pain and inflammation.
4. Green Tea:
Green tea provides a chemical compound called quercetin, which is very powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant to prevent or lighten the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
According to a research it found that women who drink at least 3 or more cup of green tea in a day are less develop rheumatoid arthritis rather than women who don’t drink green tea. So drinking green tea regularly can help to reduce joint pain and inflammation
5. Cinnamon:
Cinnamon also helps give relief from arthritis and joint pain. Take two cup of warm water with half teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of honey and drink it in empty stomach regularly that can helps to slow down joint pain and inflammation significantly.
6. Cloves:
Cloves have an inflammatory chemical called eugenol which helps to heal the joint pain and inflammation. It also contains anti-oxidant that helps to relief arthritis pain. Take 4-5 cloves regularly helps to relief joint pain.
Which Foods Should Avoid For Rheumatoid Arthritis:
The saddest part is that there is no cure of rheumatoid arthritis but the medication can helps to reduce the disease’s progress and at that time foods that should be avoided to keep rheumatoid arthritis away.
1. Fried foods:
Fried foods are plays an important rules to develop a chronic disease associate with inflammation, so it is better to give up these food items.
2. Alcohol:
2. Alcohol:
Alcohol is not so good for human body. From a research it is found that women who drink three glass of alcohol everyday have maximum chance of having rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Sugar:
Eating too much amount of sugar can cause of inflammation. Sugar produces chemical named cytokine which can worsen the rheumatoid arthritis.
4. Gluten:
Gluten is a protein which is found in wheat, rye, barely, it also causes for inflammation.
5. Red Meat:
Red meat is also increase inflammation. If you are suffering with rheumatoid arthritis it is good option to giving up red meat.
6. Salt:
6. Salt:
Excessive use of salt can cause inflammation and pain within the joint. So it is better to avoid excess salt in your meal.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease which is very painful and there is no cure of rheumatoid arthritis, but the pain and inflammation can be slowdown by using natural treatment which is very effective.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease which is very painful and there is no cure of rheumatoid arthritis, but the pain and inflammation can be slowdown by using natural treatment which is very effective.
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